"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, February 28, 2016

An Open Letter to the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States of America

            The personal attacks shown on the campaign trail remind me of elementary and high school bullies. Candidates who run for President of the United States of America should never engage in mocking, name-calling or personal attacks on one’s appearance. For instance, when a teacher stoops to the level of a child and engages in a back and forth, everybody loses. The adult should remain just that – an adult. 

            These attacks belong on a television entertainment network. They look and sound fictitious, and I cannot believe they are real and coming from a candidate for the U.S. presidency. Our forefathers are not just turning over in their graves but are raging in them. Where’s the diplomacy? What happened to respect? Where’s the maturity? It disgraces the candidates and sickens me. I believe they are pandering to American’s addiction to reality television, a phenomenon that has gained momentum as of late. This is not reality television. We are voting for the new leader of the United States of America, not watching reality TV.

            Whichever of you becomes the Democratic nominee, do not insult the intelligence of the American people by showing that you are better at “playing the dozens” or as the current saying goes, “throwing shade.” Do not, I repeat, do not fall for the desire to revert back to childish behavior when you are personally attacked or mocked. Stay above the fray. Maintain your dignity. You can win this election by speaking about the issues that face our country and your plan to solve them, not by mocking someone's thirst or insulting the way he wears his hair.

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